Theme of the Year 年度主題
Journey 旅途
In the light of this, the 52nd Joint School Science Exhibition Preparation Committee bears “Journey” as the theme this year, hoping that everyone can analyze the parameter of the quality of journey and utilize science to alleviate the discomfort along the journey. Students are expected to probe into three aspects: ‘safety’, ‘health and comfort’, and ‘environmental-friendliness’. Journeys appears in our daily lives, including but not only going to work and going on vacations. By leaving our usual habitat, we broaden our horizons, and motivate ourselves in stepping out of our comfort zones with ambitions. 有鑒於此,第五十二屆聯校科學展覽籌備委員會訂立本年度的主題為「旅途」,希望大眾分析影響旅途質素的因素,運用科學加以改進,並從安全、健康、環保三方面作出不同的創新,藉此改善旅遊時的環境和設備,協助大眾適應身處外地時普遍會遇到的不便,以提升人們的旅遊質素。我們的生活充斥著大大小小的旅途:小至上班上學,大至長途旅行。藉由離開我們的居住地,我們能夠學會跳出我們的舒適圈,進而擴闊視野。 |